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How do steroids work, and...
Último mensaje por: nikki99
24-10-2019, 11:53 PM
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Formas naturales para baj...
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23-10-2019, 12:42 PM
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How to quit smoking
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18-10-2019, 01:44 AM
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Orlistat en españa contra...
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16-10-2019, 12:27 PM
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Efectos secundarios del x...
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14-10-2019, 04:04 PM
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How to quit smoking
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18-09-2019, 07:26 PM
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21-08-2019, 01:44 PM
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¿Que genéricos efectivos ...
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19-08-2019, 11:33 PM
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Quiero dejarlo...
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19-08-2019, 07:55 PM
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  ¿Por qué las fiebres y las enfermedades crean sueños aparentemente ruidosos y caótico
Enviado por: marikhan - 10-06-2019, 01:55 PM - Foro: PROBLEMAS DE ERECCIÓN - Sin respuestas

Tengo una teoría personal, pero no está respaldada por ninguna investigación o evidencia. Creo que es porque el sueño se ve perturbado por los síntomas. Eso hace que mi cerebro alcance un cierto nivel de conciencia que es menos que un sueño profundo, lo que provoca que el controlador de interrupciones dispare excesivamente.

También raramente recuerdo mis sueños a menos que esté enfermo, y sospecho por la misma razón.


  How to quit smoking
Enviado por: Nigan12 - 10-06-2019, 11:34 AM - Foro: DEJAR DE FUMAR - Sin respuestas

Hello everyone ,,
I chose a time-frame that I wanted to quit by (my birthday).

As I edged closer to that date, I made sure to tell myself throughout the day that I look forward to quitting, saving money, being healthier, smelling better, etc. so daily positive re-enforcement to begin.

Then I would consciously leave my smokes behind on short outings. Then I'd start leaving them for longer outings. Eventually I began forgetting them and I would see how long I could go before I'd buy a pack. Basically make a mini-game out of it.

Eventually, I was getting so close to my date, and I was getting so comfortable without them, always with me, that I decided to quit 2 months ahead of schedule.

For the first time, I used the gum and the patches together. For 1 or 2 months.

I would have kept using them longer, but I think I'd slowly quit over the course of a full year, so I did not need the nicotine for long.

I'd recommend trying to smoke-free person, almost as a game or hobby to learn and master. You have to retrain your brain and body. As long as you keep trying, you will eventually succeed when you find the best method for you.

Good luck, you can do it!


  Alternativas del finasteride y minoxidil
Enviado por: MatthewD01 - 23-05-2019, 01:36 PM - Foro: CALVICIE / ALOPECIA - Sin respuestas

Tíos, ¿de casualidad no conocéis de otros medicamentos genéricos útiles para tratar la pérdida de cabello (calvicie o alopecia) al igual que el finasteride genérico y el minoxidil genérico? Esto me genera un tanto de curiosidad. De upornia / gotporn /xnxx  todas formas estaré comprando el finasteride.


  What are the signs of steroids use?
Enviado por: josephdetor - 18-05-2019, 07:28 AM - Foro: ESTEROIDES - Sin respuestas

Are there physical characteristics one can see to tell if someone is on roids? Xvideos Xnxx Chaturbate

It seems (to me) if you're a smaller guy (5'6-5'9 "and hwp), you're more likely to be deemed" natty "but if you're a workshop and over 200Lbs it seems that You're more likely to be deemed a juicer.
Are there signs? Aside from someone being gigantic.


  what ACTUALLY WORKED to get you to successfully stop smoking?
Enviado por: Lincon - 14-05-2019, 04:37 PM - Foro: DEJAR DE FUMAR - Sin respuestas

Hello everyone,,
Just coming off my 5th failed attempt at quitting. Sadany advice? My trigger is being at work. (health care-you only get a break if you step outside and light up.) I have the electronic cigarette, but I end up smoking real ones anyway. SadHALP !!!
Edit: Update Ho-leee-shiiizah, I'm overwhelmed at all the responses and so grateful for the suggestions to help you break that habit. You guys that suggested vaping, you won. Top answer on the board, you all pass go, collect $ 200. I got the Ego electronic cigarette with strawberry 24 mg nicotine juice. I committed to it this time and went 11 days without a real cigarette. Theeennn I had a bad day, subsequent drunken night, and smoked the real ones and suffered that shit feeling. I was so mad that I just kept on smoking. Then I read more of your answers and someone said the more times you quit, the more likely it will eventually stick. I thought about that and have now successfully gone one week cigarette free, just vaping. I did, admittedly, smoke some of a swisher sweet on Valentine's Day, but have not caved into buying a pack of cigarettes or even bummed / accepted offered cigarettes. I'm so thankful for your responses. You guys are awesome, thank you for your good luck vibes, I believe they are helping me succeed !!! Bless ya'll.


  PPL vs Cardio para bajar de peso
Enviado por: TrevorNoah - 14-05-2019, 10:36 AM - Foro: BAJAR O PERDER PESO - Sin respuestas

30F 5'11 92kg after a little advice ...

I recently started doing the PPL program 6 days a week that you see here often and I'm enjoying it, I'm progressing slowly and steadily, and it's a great feeling to see the weights of the main surveys (modest, as my being) increase each time in the tracker on my phone ...

However, I signed up for the free personal trainer session offered by my current gym and during that same lesson, the trainer I am advised to stop doing the PPL program and switch to full cardio for at least a few months to lose the excess weight before resuming the PPL. .

I wonder what are the correct steps to take: initially I thought that the PPL would slowly increase the muscle mass of my body and increase the amount of calories I burn each day. Is it too optimistic to think that this will help me change my weight or should I follow the advice of the trainers and switch to cardio immediately in the immediate future? Should I combine (cardio and PPL) both?

Thank you for reading!


  How to quit smoking
Enviado por: Lincon - 03-05-2019, 10:39 AM - Foro: DEJAR DE FUMAR - Sin respuestas

Hello everyone, I chose a time-frame that I wanted to quit by (my birthday).

As I edged closer to that date, I made sure to tell myself throughout the day that I look forward to quitting, saving money, being healthier, smelling better, etc. so daily positive re-enforcement to begin.

Then I would consciously leave my smokes behind on short outings. Then I'd start leaving them for longer outings. Eventually I began forgetting them and I would see how long I could go before I'd buy a pack. Basically make a mini-game out of it.

Eventually, I was getting so close to my date, and I was getting so comfortable without them, always with me, that I decided to quit 2 months ahead of schedule.

For the first time, I used the gum and the patches together. For 1 or 2 months.

I would have kept using them longer, but I think I'd slowly quit over the course of a full year, so I did not need the nicotine for long.

I'd recommend trying to view a smoke-free person, almost as a game or hobby to learn and master. You have to retrain your brain and body. As long as you keep trying, you will eventually succeed when you find the best method for you.

Good luck, you can do it!


  Erectile dysfunction or performance anxiety? The truth behind a modern malaise
Enviado por: Lincon - 30-04-2019, 11:46 AM - Foro: PROBLEMAS DE ERECCIÓN - Sin respuestas

Hello everyone ,,
As a man whose marriage failed because of this issue, I feel a lot of sympathy. I loved my wife a whole lot, but she always got very frustrated if I could not perform. She had anxiety about it and felt like it meant I was not attracted to her, so if I ever lost my erection, she would not want to have sex, even if I wanted to. The more that happened, the more I would think about it during sex. It became an issue where I could get aroused easily enough, but as soon as we started to get close to actual sex, I would get anxious and think "Well, I'd better stay hard or she's going to be disappointed." And then, of course, I was completely out of the mood and lost my erection. Which made me feel terrible, made her feel terrible, and became a horrible cycle we could not escape from. Eventually, it became too much for her ...


  Help me
Enviado por: LuckyJuan - 25-04-2019, 10:47 AM - Foro: DEJAR DE FUMAR - Sin respuestas

Hi! I am Peter. I've been smoking since I was 20. And now that I am 28, I have erection problems. I can go hard for like a couple of minutes then it goes soft again. I think it's the smoking that makes my erection go. My girlfriend is frustrated. I use viagra every time we have sex. I have tried every brands, but it just gives me a very bad headache after some time. My main problem here is smoking. It is expensive and not healthy. I've tried quitting cold turkey but after 2 months I relapsed. Any advice? Thank you.


  Busco comprar esteroides en Madrid
Enviado por: AnabolicAnt - 16-04-2019, 02:32 PM - Foro: ESTEROIDES - Sin respuestas

Concretamente me interesa Clembuterol, ideas de como puedo conseguirlo? Gracias!
